In Loving Memory 5/25/2002 It is with great sadness that we said goodbye to a very dear friend, Butch, who has protected our family and property diligently for some 13 years. Butch was a terrific dog who will be terribly missed. We raised him from a puppy and I personally removed the sac from his nose and was there when he drew his first breath and sadly, his last. There is empty feeling in the barn and in our hearts. Butch will never be forgotten and will forever be loved. Butch was laid to rest under the shade of the big pecan tree over looking the lake where he loved to lay. In Loving Memory 11/23/2003 In memory of our sweet cat, Question, who became a part of our lives in October of 1998. Question was a big, beautiful, gray, fluffy cat with a strong personality. He was regal in every since of the word. Question fell victim to dogs on Sunday the 23rd of November and lost his life. He was buried next to Butch, who he was good buddies with. We will miss Question. His parting has left a hole in our hearts and in our lives. We take comfort that he has crossed the Rainbow Bridge and we know that someday we will be together again.
Butch 1989-2002 |